Top 10 fruits good for kids

top 10 fruits good for kids

As you know, crunchy and colorful fruits are very important and enjoyable in your kid’s diet. Most babies eat fruits and vegetables in their first year. However, after becoming more independent eaters, many kids become fussier with regards to some foods including fruits. While forcing children to eat more fruits never works, it does help to …

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How Does The Immune System Work?

How does our immune system ‘win’ the flu war? In order to understand influenza (a.k.a. flu), it is important to know how disease spreads and how does the immune system work. How the immune system responds to disease and what you can do to safeguard yourself and your child against various bacteria and viruses. There are …

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How To Create Meals Kids Love?

The art of creating meals that kids love

How do you remember your mom’s kitchen? Do you have good or not so good childhood memories related to mealtime and food in general? My most precious memories are in the kitchen where my mommy and nana prepared daily meals. They seemed so joyful and happy, always laughing, singing and joking. Growing up I never …

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Involving kids in the kitchen without losing your mind

how to involve kids in the kitchen

One thing I see more and more with clients is less quality time spent with children. Don’t get me wrong, I am not being judgmental here, just making a point that parents today have less time to spend with their children, which is unfortunate.  Parents are busy with work, their personal lives, carpooling, making dinner, shopping, …

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How to Instil Healthy Eating Habits Over Time?

processed food in my kitchen

Instilling Healthy Eating Habits, Mission Impossible? The picture below represents what I just saw on my kitchen counter. Does this ever happen to you? For those who do not recognize these ingredients, let me assure you, they do not belong in the kitchen of a whole food advocate. Pictured here is whipped topping, in all …

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The Importance of Alkaline Water for Immune System Health

Hi moms, I am sure a lot of you are struggling with kids who have recurrent and frequent colds and various infections and find it intriguing especially when kids’ diet is pretty good overall. So many parents overlook the importance of clean, filtered, mineralized water. I have clients who spend hundreds of dollars on organic …

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What Frozen 2 Taught Me As A Woman

what frozen 2 taught me as a woman

I hope I can do a good job of telling my lessons without spoiling the experience of the movie for you. Just in case, I am going to warn you, this might spoil the movie for you, so if you haven’t yet seen it, watch it first and then listen to this episode. Six years …

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Mama, focus on progress, not perfection.

why i hate being a nutritionist

Mama, focus on progress, not perfection. Last week we met with a few friends for dinner and somehow the hostess and I got into a conversation about nutrition and healthy eating. Here’s what she told me: “I don’t know how you do it, Dorit. How do you keep yourself motivated all the time? I am …

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