Healing Begins With Moms taking the stand for themselves.
Healing begins with moms who believe they are worthy and deserve to feel good.
Healing begins with moms who are ready and willing to do the work that is necessary to get themselves unstuck.
Healing begins with moms who own their side of the story and are working constantly to break free from generational patterns that are threatening to reemerge in the lives of their children.
Healing begins with moms who teach their daughters by example what it means to be a woman, how to embody femininity and live in alignment with their feminine current, flow, and rhythm.
The health of the world begins with us, mothers, who are ready to surrender and trust that the universe will conspire to give you more of what you want, all you need to do is to show up and say yes.
If you have no idea how to do that, all you need to do is ask for help.
Ask to be guided and follow through.
Reach out your hand and follow me.
I will show you how to get there.
You are divine. You are magic. You are a child of God.
You are worthy. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to enjoy this precious life you have and the lives you have brought into this world.
The Health Begins With Mom Mastery is designed to get you to the other side.
Today I wanted to give you a little snapshot into the process and the core content of the health begins with mom mastery, as well as a short interview I’ve done with a client of mine who is currently enrolled in the mastery program.
So let’s dive in!
The content of this program is divided into four phases, which correspond to the phases of your menstrual cycle and are also known as the four phases of creation. The Fertile Void, Emergence, Visibility, and Culmination.
We begin with the fertile void, which is a period of deep introspection, looking inward and setting yourself up for success. We are going to talk about your morning routine, how to start your day right, what to eat first thing in the morning and how to keep your energy sustainable throughout the day.
We will also get into some rituals you can use to help yourself start the day right.
I am going to hold you accountable throughout this process and make sure that you pace yourself with grace and that you are being kind to yourself but also that you are moving forward. So, expect me to me call you out if I feel like you are not showing up your very best.
We are also going to talk about your power as a manifestor and creator of your life and what does this have to do with your healing and mothering journeys.
The next phase we will get into is called Emergence, which is when we will get deeper into unpacking you as a female and start practicing embodies femininity. I will teach you how to track yourself, how to pace yourself and how to listen to the wisdom of your body.
Again, I am here to guide and hold your hand the entire time and help point you in the right direction.
We will hone the food, exercise and socialization pieces and actually practice it in real time. There is a difference between knowing or understanding a concept and actually embody it, live your life and organize your life in alignment with it.
You will get access to my member’s area where I share recipes that are categorized according to your menstrual cycle and what you should be eating in each phase.
I have designed and created these recipes with you in mind. I know that you are busy and also that cooking is not a priority or something you enjoy doing. All recipes are super easy to put together and are also family friendly. I really wanted to create something that will be of service to us, busy moms, who don’t have a lot of free time to cook and figure out what to eat, so all you will have to do is figure out where you are in your cycle and click to find the recipes that you need to cook for yourself during that time.
I have designed it this way because I want this entire process to be sustainable, practical and feel attainable for you. The last thing I want is to overwhelm you with complicated ingredients and recipes. Ease and flow is the name of the game.
Another thing I will challenge you to do is access your sensual energy, which is a part of the feminine embodiment. We will do some really cool practices that will turn you on, ignite you from within and help you feel alive, vibrant and magnetic in your days.
This charm and magnetism are necessary to feel like you are thriving instead of surviving.
working on this phase usually takes the most time, so be prepared to stay here for about 3-4 months of the entire process, which is 6 months in total.
Next phase is Visibility, which is where I will push you to do harder things, like “emotional mastery”, The Work of Byron Katie, We will do some work to help you Health The Mother Wound which I talked a lot about on this podcast. We will also talk about how to how to be his wife and not his mother, how to raise fierce, and confident daughters and how to enroll your loved ones into your health mission.
The next phase is called Culmination, and this is where we will be wrapping up our work together and I will help you launch into the world without me. The idea here is to help you be self-sufficient and fly with what you’ve learned in this program without developing a co-dependent relationship. I want you to rise up and literally “grow up” so that you can show up to your life the way you need to.
This program is designed to crack you open, to shake you up and show you how to listen, understand and support yourself as a woman, wife and a mother.
This program is about showing you that the responsibility is in your hands and that you know how to change, how to adapt, how to course correct, how to draw the right conclusions about where your life is going and the messages that are being sent to you from your higher self and your psyche.
The Health Begins With Mom Mastery is a highly individualized coaching program giving you the accountability, support and 1:1 attention to achieve the goals that scare you the most. In order to provide this high-level support, I’m currently only working with women WILLING and READY to do the work needed to achieve their goals – even if this means FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE.
The Health Begins With Mom Mastery is now open for enrolment! So, If all of this resonates with you, and you’re ready to jump in and join the mastery then go to www.healthbeginswithmom.com/apply and fill out the application form. After you submit the application I will personally review it and we will get on the phone to see if we are right for each other. I look forward to reading your story and your soul craving. This is your time.
Alright, like I promised, here’s an interview I’ve done with one of my clients, Dussty, who is currently enrolled in the Mastery program so you can hear for yourself what she has to say, what she’s gaining from this process and her message to all of you.