Knowing When To Breathe In And When To Exhale (ep-85)

Hey Divas,

Today on the show you’ll notice my voice is a bit rusty as I got a really bad cold.

I got sick in the worst of times, literally (I’m sure you can relate as there’s always so much to do before the end of the year right?).

But if you’ve been following my work for a while you know that I don’t believe that there’s such a  thing as “the worst of times.”

Who decides that this time is the worst?

Could it be that I interpret it as bad?

Can it be that I am the one choosing the lens from which to look at my circumstances?


Today on the show I talk about being deliberate about the moments we choose to focus on because, guess what, this is something we can control!

So next time your house is a mess, there’re dishes all over the kitchen counter, the laundry basket is overflowing, your toddler pooped and needs to be changed, your older kids haven’t even gotten to their homework, everyone is screaming and it is a complete chaos remember that this too is just a moment.

In the midst of chaos live beautiful moments too.

The tenderness, love, laughter, cuddling, tiny feet, naked bums, and pure simple joy.

All of this is encompassed in this one moment, you are the one deciding what is to be highlighted and what to be dimmed.

It all begins with you.

“While in the pursuit of happiness one should stop and just be happy”

I hope you enjoy this week’s episode, and if you did please share it with other moms who need to hear this.

Sending you much love & healing!!



Show Notes

Here’s the link to the book I was reading from: Motherhood Realized: An Inspiring Anthology for the Hardest Job You’ll Ever Love