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What’s challenging you the most in your current healing journey?
- Are you confused by the different health advice out there and can’t decide which eating style is right for you? Gluten-free, Paleo, Vegan, Keto, Vegetarian, Dairy-Free, etc.
- Do you have a thyroid disease, high blood pressure or stubborn weight that you just cannot get rid of?
- Are you feeling tired, exhausted, drained and unmotivated most of the time?
- Do you feel like you are not enjoying time with your kids because you simply don’t have any energy left for play at the end of the day?
- Do you feel unhappy and just want the “old you” back? The old you who was jumpy, on the go all day long, who loved life, food, good company and life in general? Do you find preferring to cave in and sleep over company and play?
- Do you feel moody, hormonal and unsatisfied a lot?
- Have you lost your libido after having kids?
- Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, read all the health books, listened to all the podcasts, watched various YouTube videos, tried a million different eating styles/diets but you still can’t seem to find your way?
- Are you ready to try new things? To hear a new perspective? To do something else? Are you ready to step out of your own way and actually create a change in your life but don’t know where to start?
If you’ve answered YES to any of the questions above, still feel like you don’t know what’s the best course of action for you then this one-on-one coaching call is for you!
I personally don’t think that a serious health issue can be solved in such a short window of time, however, if you are on the fence with regards to deciding whether a long-term investment is a right thing for you, or if I’m the right coach for you, if you like my style of coaching and approach then this is something you can try with a low commitment on your side.
Here’s what we’re going to do together on this call:
- You will share your current healing struggle in detail
- I will ask you questions which will help to point you in the right direction.
- If you are a mom to young kids we’ll talk about some ideas and tips I have to help you create the time and space for you to take care of yourself first, because you know that it is impossible to pour from an empty cup.
- We will talk about the things that worked and things that didn’t and create a plan for you to follow in the next six months
A Personal Note From Dorit:
I get it, making a decision is not easy and certainly difficult if your plate is already full with kids, the house, work and a gazillion other things. However, if your health condition is making you suffer I want you to listen to your “inner wise mother” who is whispering in your ear to make the leap, ask for help, and just book the damn call! You owe this to yourself and your family.
You deserve to be healthy, feel vibrant, energetic and enjoy life again! I will show you how!
How to book this coaching call?
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- Make your payment by clicking below
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2. Book the time that works best for you by clicking below. Choose ‘One-on-one coaching call’ from the list of services and then the date and time that works best for you. If you are having any problems with the booking page, feel free to email me dorit@healthbeginswithmom.com
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