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The Ingredients of a Healthy Kitchen
Online Program
Detox your kitchen in 6 weeks, and replace bad ingredients with healthier ones so that you never feel ‘guilty’ or ‘worried sick’ about what you or the kids eat.
Are you a mom with young kids who is:
==> Overwhelmed by the conflicting health advice on FB, social media, blogs, health magazines?
==> Are you looking for healthier recipes online but never seem to have these “weird” ingredients?
==> Do you have picky eaters, or kids who don’t like vegetables?
==> Are you struggling with meal planning?
==> Do you feel like you just don’t know what to eat?
==> Are you feeling guilty that you are feeding your kids unhealthy foods?
==> Do you feel ‘worried sick’ that your child is not getting proper nourishment from what they eat?
I have a Solution For You!
Hi, my name is Dorit Palvanov, I’m a a wife and a mother of two young girls (4 & 6 years old with baby #3 on the way), a registered holistic nutritionist specializing in pediatrics and family nutrition. I’m also known in my community as “The Ingredient Lady” 🙂
As a pediatric nutritionist, I noticed over and over again that most families are feeling confused and overwhelmed with regards to specific products they purchase for their families, cooking with healthier ingredients and the cost of healthy living.
To clear some of this overwhelm I started inviting moms into my own kitchen and showing them first hand how I do it, how I set up my kitchen, which ingredients I use and which are my most trusted brands. And this is how I was turned into “The Ingredient Lady” as people started asking me questions regarding specific products, ingredients and brands and more and more moms insisted on seeing how I do it in my own home.
Prior to meeting with me, most moms were anxious, worried, confused and deflated. For whatever reason they had a picture in their minds that eating healthy is hard and very expensive, and basically will never happen to them. They were certain that kids won’t eat the “healthier foods” and that without support they cannot do the change. However, after seeing how another mom does it, all of a sudden they felt like it is not so hard – It is actually possible and it doesn’t look hard at all!
I’ve created a 6 weeks transformative online program which is designed to take you from having no clue about healthy eating to replacing the unhealthy ingredients, to then incorporating the higher quality products in recipes and your daily life.
How should things change for your family if you follow the program?
==> Kids will get sick less often (maybe once or twice in a year and only for a couple of days)
==> Less sick days in general for everyone at home
==> Maintain a stable weight without dieting
==> Kids are much more curious about new foods, and actually agree to try most of it
==> Energy levels will go up
==> Know how to read and understand the ingredients on packaged foods
==> Feeling confident with regards to what kids eat
==> More organized in the kitchen
==> Know what processed/boxed food to stay away from.
Here’s what moms say about the program:
“I have an understanding of what certain food do for our body and I purchase much more of those healthy foods. I read labels to see the ingredients contained in the food. I buy many more vegetables and fruits and have them pre-cut or washed so they are available to eat.I purchase more natural foods (ie. raw honey) and make many more foods at home now myself instead of store bought!”
Mandy Greenspan, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“I completely changed my whole outlook on food and nutrition. I have learned the difference between “real” food Vs “plastic” (processed) food. I have stopped buying anything processed and only buy natural non-processed foods now. I have no issue with my kids going into my pantry since all of my snacks are nutritious and do not have processed sugars, salt, preservatives or dyes in it. My house does not have any pop, chips or sweets and kids know they can only have these things occasionally when we go to birthdays or events and therefore rarely ask for it at home. My son, who was very hyper, is now much calmer and performs better at school and home. My husband and myself feel much less bloated and healthier.” Irit G. Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
“I liked that the information and tips that you provide are never pushed or meant to scare. You understand that family life is hard and try to present easy, simple steps to making healthier choices.” Jacky N. Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
“I like the fact that you provide good guidance on where to start the whole process and realize that it is a long way to go and therefore don’t let us get overwhelmed by the amount of information out there. The process of becoming a clean-eater took us at least 6 months and you were there for all questions or concerns we had, step by step; from phone advice to guidance on the first few trips to the health food store and different recipe ideas for picky eaters.” Irit G, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the program:
Week 1 – Healthy Drinks & Liquids (best water filtration system for your home, teas, coffee, juices and smoothies).
Bonuses included:
- 10 recipes for kid friendly raw juices
- 10 recipes for kid friendly smoothies
- 5 must have herbal teas to keep in your pantry
- a comparison of water filtration systems
Week 2 – Healthier alternatives to your pantry must haves (oils, salt, herbs & spices, sugar/sweeteners)
Bonuses included:
- 5 must have spices and their healing power
- 9 healthier replacements to sugar
- best replacements for table salt
- guide for choosing the best cooking oil for different heating temperatures
Week 3 – The Healthy Fridge (vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry & fish, dairy & eggs)
Bonuses included:
- list of seasonal fruits
- list of seasonal vegetables
- Julie Daniluk’s Anti-Inflammatory Food pyramid
- A Weekly Healthy Shopping list
Week 4 – Grains, Beans & Legumes
Bonuses included:
- list of beans according to their nutritional value and their cooking times
- List of healthiest breads on the market
Week 5 – Healthy Fast-Food & snacks for you and the kids (nuts & seeds, healthy snacks & guilt free sweets
Bonuses included:
- an extensive list of healthy sweets and snacks including brand names as well as recipes for homemade versions of some of the recommended products.
Week 6 – Final Steps & how to maintain what you’ve worked so hard for?
Bonuses included:
- replacing toxic containers and cookware with healthier alternatives
- The healthy kitchen must have utensils
- must have kitchen appliances to make healthy cooking a breeze
- Building new habits and the cost of healthy living
- checklist of the kitchen sections according to what we’ve learned
How much is the program?
I offer this program for $97+HST for a limited time (until June 1st, 2016), after that the program will retail for $299 +HST.
=======> Click Here to Register to the Program and Get Immediate Access <=======
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