Here’s a phenomenon I see repeating again and again with the women I work with, there is this almost unconscious and complete co-dependency between women and their healthcare providers. We believe these health care providers are Gods and as if they are not humans we outsource our wellbeing and health to them willingly almost entirely.
I say this because if you want to THRIVE as a woman, you have got to take back control of your own health, whether it is by educating yourself, consulting various practitioners across the board whether through conventional or alternative medicine. Do whatever you need to do in order to see yourself as an active player fighting in the arena for your health.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t be consulting with a doctor if you feel needed, what I am saying is that you need to understand that no one can heal you other than you. No one will show or lead you to a better health if you are not willing to do the work.
One thing that doctors do routinely in a conventional setting is to request lab tests and many women complain that after these tests return normal they are left in a painful situation. Physically, you still don’t feel good, but your lab tests don’t show anything abnormal. What do you do?
One thing I recommend to women is to try various at-home lab testing to see if there is anything they can discover that the regular laboratory couldn’t pick up. I think this is a great way to complement the labs that your doctor ordered and involve your health care practitioner in figuring out the root cause of your health challenge.
Today on the show I am interviewing Dr. Marra Francis who is the medical director for an at-home lab testing company called EverlyWell. Marra is a Board Certified OB/Gyn practicing since 2003. In her clinical practice, Marra’s focus is on women who are high risk for cancer either because of genetic mutations or family history, and the goal is to try and reduce their risk of developing cancer in the future. Marra lives in Texas with her husband, their 6 kids, and two dogs.
Here’s a little information about the company: Founded in 2015 by CEO Julia Cheek, EverlyWell is the next generation health testing platform that provides at-home lab testing kits with beautifully redesigned results. This is the only company offering a suite of regulatory-compliant, physician-mediated lab tests that can be ordered and collected by consumers without leaving home.
With the exception of STD testing, EverlyWell’s tests provide personalized information and education to the consumer; they are not intended to diagnose any disease or condition or to substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
Knowledge is always power – knowing more about your body gives you the power to make changes to better your health.
Without further ado, here’s my interview with Dr. Marra Francis:
Show Notes
Watch EverlyWell on ABCs Shark Tank on November 26th, 2017