Hi everybody and welcome to another episode of the health begins with mom podcast. The place where moms and moms to learn about health & wellness for women and children and even more so, how to bring the message of health into our homes in a sustainable and practical way. As always, you are welcome to join my FB group called Busy Moms Get Healthy, where we expand the conversation after each episode, and where you can get a direct access to me and other moms who are on the same journey as you are. You can ask me questions, comment on posts and share tips or recipes that you like and work for you.
Today on the show we are talking about infertility, and specifically how to improve the chances of natural conception through food, nutrition and lifestyle changes. I know many people, including some very close family members who have struggled or are still struggling to conceive. Luckily, my husband and I got pregnant fairly quickly, however, we know people who have gone through painful treatments, hormones, medications and one heartbreak after another, so my intention with this podcast is never to open wounds or make someone feel guilty. I did this interview to show people that there is something they might not even know available and works, which is nutritional and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, the conventional medical community is not educated about this, so I hope this will shed some light and this message will get to the people who need to hear it. Since this is an extremely private and sensitive topic it is hard to tell someone you know is struggling to conceive what you’ve learned, instead just forward them this episode and say something like: “You know I love you dearly and want to see you happy, I’ve come across this show online and wanted to share this with you, I think you’ll like what they talk about. Free free to pass that along”. Remember, you will never truly know how it is to be on the other side, and if you really want to help do that with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
Alright, now let me introduce you to today’s guest.
Barbara Rodgers is a certified Nutrition Consultant and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She is an author, educator, and strategist for individuals and organizations who are interested in improving health through holistic protocols. In her private practice, Barbara works one-on-one with clients dealing with autoimmune disorders, fertility, chronic fatigue, and stress. The goal of Barbara’s work is to elevate the level of awareness among the masses that integrative, holistic healthcare options are often effective as a treatment for chronic and severe illness. She is a living proof that even “incurable” diseases can be managed without toxic medical or pharmaceutical interventions.
Show Notes:
Is Poor Nutrition Linked to Infertility?
Barbara’s website: www.nutritionlifestrategies.com