Hi Mommies,
I am Katerina Bylen, I am a wife to a wonderful man and a mother to a beautiful eight month old baby girl. Being a parent is fun (most times) but can also be extremely challenging – depending how you look at it…
I’ve been drawn to the world of nutrition and holistic health through dealing with my daughter’s skin condition called – eczema. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that all challenges are actually blessings, if we choose to view them that way. I chose to view it as a blessing and a way of God to alert and open my eyes.
Although unpleasant at times, my daughter’s eczema has led me to researching and learning about nutrition and alternative ways of healing, which I am very grateful for. In my opinion, all mothers have to be exposed to this information which can help make life a bit easier.
I’ve been forced to look into how I eat and make appropriate changes in order to provide my baby with the best sources of nutrients through breast milk. I had to learn how to make food with the best nutritional value, which cookware to use, educate myself about allergies and skin conditions, work with naturopaths and other alternative health practitioners (that’s how I found Dorit), so that I can help my daughter and keep her eczema under control.
I am very excited to be a part of Dorit’s team and I totally agree with her vision – as mothers, we have a huge influence oven our children with regards to health, and therefore it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and pass on that info to them.
I admit that it is not easy, and I wish my daughter’s skin was smooth and clear, but I’m also excited to see where this health journey is going to lead me.
Hope you’ll enjoy my posts!
Feel free to comment below 🙂
Hi Katherina, my story is very similar to yours. My son also has eczema but unlike you, I feel so depressed and stressed about it! My mother in law (and other family members) constantly giving me advice and I’m so sick and tired of it! How do you deal with criticism???
Hi Ruth,
I understand you totally. It is not easy to have a child with eczema. What I noticed with my daughter is that when I get irritated or depressed her eczema starts to be more severe (she starts itching more, gets more flairs, she gets nervous as well). When I noticed that, it made me think that she is actually worst off then I am, she can not do anything about it herself or say anything, she can only rely on me her mother. Going back to your question about criticism. I have the same issue with my mother in law. I do not let it get to me (goes to one ear and goes out) I am not saying to ignore her just try not to let it get to you. If someone says something I say thanks for their advice and I will think about it or take it into consideration. I also noticed that when you show that you upset about it and it bothers you, they start giving you more advice. This kind of situations make me work on my self control 🙂 Your mother in law and other family members also care about your son just sometimes people have a funny way of expressing themselves by criticizing you. As long as you know for yourself that you are doing the best that you can for your son do not let other people to bother you with their criticism. Depression and stress from the mother is not healthy for any child. If I feel that I am overwhelmed and stressing out. If weather is good I go for a walk or I go and take a shower or a bath with lavender (lavender is good for relaxation for your mind and body) while, I am there I try to relax by meditating or praying. It helps me. After I am out I feel like a new person with new energy and clear mind. Sorry, for such a long reply but I hope that you can find something here that might help you and you might try. 🙂
PS: We can not change people, we can only change ourselves and then the world around us will change as well. 🙂